Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Live Every Day Like It’s the Best Day of Your Life

Let us stop complaining. Let us stop wasting our time being idealists. Let us realize that this day was granted to us as part of the marvel of life and that living a day in the life we have is an honor. Let us remember that any other gift, we should be grateful for it. […]

8 Natural Remedies for Sciatic Pain

One of the largest nerves in the body is the sciatic nerve, running down from your lower spine all the way to your feet. This nerve is vital for your legs’ movement, feeling and strength. A condition called sciatica can occur where the spinal nerve root in the lower back is compressed. This pain is […]

Why it’s tough being a Daughter in-law in other cultures?

In my practice I hear many stories, and I enjoy helping as many as possible. I would also be pleased if even one person’s life is changed after reading this article. I remember one incident. Way back during my early practice. I was hypnotizing a young lady who was facing major depression because of her […]

8 Pressure Points That Will Reduce Your Stress in Seconds

We all have our ways of dealing with stress. Some people escape to a sunny beach, some prefer a nice glass of wine, and others even do their best to ignore it. Each way has its advantages (and sometimes disadvantages), but we can’t always do what helps at the exact moment we need to. This […]

Say Goodbye to Fungal Infection

Soak Your Feet In… During the summer, the feet sweat more than they usually do, in other seasons, so there is a greater probability of developing fungal infections in the area surrounding the toes. Toenails are more frequently affected than the fingernails. The medical name for a fungal nail infection is onychomycosis. It’s not usually […]

Hypnosis and Iron Overload -“Hemochromatosis”!

According to Mayo Clinic the hereditary hemochromatosis causes the body absorb too much iron from the food a person eat. Excess iron is stored in the organs, especially inside the liver, heart and pancreas. Too much iron can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as liver disease, heart problems and diabetes. Excess iron from dietary sources is […]


Body language, tone and manner, matter a lot whenever you are speaking to someone. Be polite and positive. Mean what you say and do not mince words. Better to be straight forward rather ‘say something, mean something types’. Never irk to have the last word in a discussion (avoid arguments). Give-in in all the minor […]

Types of Travellers You May Find on a Journey

1. THE FOODIE is the one who can’t resist food. Anything edible is spotted, the next moment you see that going down their throat. 2. THE MUSIC LOVER always have their earphones plugged in. The music never stops and they are lost in a world of their own. These people highly believe in the policy […]

The Miraculous Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is perhaps the most genuine and versatile cure-all plant there is, offering a plethora of health benefits – the word ‘vera’ after all, does mean true or genuine. In the past, it was considered to be the plant of immortality by the Egyptians, and has been used since time immemorial for its soothing […]

9 Odd Habits Of Famous People

In history and in life we often learn to admire famous people who excelled in their fields and somehow changed the world in their own way. We often forget that these people were human too, and that they had their own ways of getting shit done. 1. Kishore Kumar The legendary playback singer, actor and […]