Hypnosis and Iron Overload -“Hemochromatosis”!

According to Mayo Clinic the hereditary hemochromatosis causes the body absorb too much iron from the food a person eat. Excess iron is stored in the organs, especially inside the liver, heart and pancreas. Too much iron can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as liver disease, heart problems and diabetes. Excess iron from dietary sources is rarely a problem but like other metals, if it accumulates in your body it can result in a variety of health problems.

Unless you have been instructed by your doctor to take iron supplements, you are best off avoiding any form of Iron supplement.  Iron deficiency is rare even in cases of anemia.  However, too much iron has been linked to a number of problems due to build up in the body tissues, particularly the liver.  Excess iron levels have been also linked to arthritis, diabetes, increased risk for certain bacterial infections, liver cirrhosis, long-term abdominal pain, testicular atrophy, severe fatigue, skin coloring changes and most recently Alzheimer’s disease.

There are two forms of hemochromatosis: primary and secondary.

Primary hemochromatosis, also known as hereditary hemochromatosis, is the most common genetic disorder in the United States, affecting an estimated 1 of every 200 to 300 Americans.  This equates to over 1.5 million people.

Secondary or acquired hemochromatosis can be caused by some diseases, especially if the person has received a large number of blood transfusions.

Hemochromatosis affects more men than women.  It is more common in Caucasians of western European descent.  Symptoms usually appear in men between the ages of 30 and 50 and in women 40 and over.  There is a higher risk if someone else in your family has the condition.

The condition is often identified during routine blood tests where plasma iron or ferritin levels are found to be high.  Symptoms usually do not appear until iron levels become extremely high.

If you are at risk of hemochromatosis you must get an annual physical by your doctor along with a comprehensive blood test.  It is also a good way to measure your overall health.

If you have high iron levels, the solution is actually quite simple:  Donate blood.

The good news about donating blood it’s not just helping yourself but you are also helping someone else by donating blood 3-4 times per year that has been shown to provide several positive health benefits.  Excess iron promotes free radicals which can cause cellular changes responsible for disrupting normal cell function increasing the risk of certain chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.  According to a long-term study conducted on over a million Scandinavian blood donors, the more an individual donated blood, the lower their chance of developing cancer of the liver, lungs, colon, stomach and throat, according to Miller-Keystone Blood Center.

An additional benefit is that you will have your current level of hemoglobin, pulse, blood pressure and often your cholesterol levels checked at the same time at no additional cost.  Your blood is tested for the presence of several diseases also.  Consider it a mini-health bonus.

Hypnosis helping with hemochromatosis

Hypnosis may be practiced by qualified clinical hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is and effective method and does not have side effects or can have anything to do with implantation of false memories.

Hypnosis is used as a therapy that includes:

  • Auto Immune System
  • Smoking cessation.
  • Weight control.
  • Irrational fears and phobias.
  • Stress management.
  • Compulsive behavior.
  • Anxiety and panic attacks.
  • Pain management during labor and childbirth.
  • IBS, Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Cancer
  • Diabetics
  • Confidence
  • Insomnia
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Hemochromatosis aka Too much iron
  • And much much more

Hypnosis works because the hypnotist knows what suggestions to give the client during the hypnotherapy session to awaken what the body already knows. Simply put, the body is designed to heal itself. Although this complicated process does work automatically, it can accelerate and enhanced by hypnotic techniques. By speaking directly to the subconscious mind to focus the energy on a specific system in the body, more of your natural resources will go there. That means that if, for example, you were physically injured and have bruises or your skin is burned, your body will naturally begin the healing process which may take a week or two to complete. And If you were to employ hypnosis to quicken this process, you may complete the healing in half the time. At the very least, hypnosis is extremely effective to decrease pain, overcoming fear of not healing, and etc. The effectiveness of this technique depends on several factors. There is the client’s susceptibility and willingness to use this approach, the skill of the clinical hypnotherapist, and the severity of the problem. Hypnosis has its limitations; however it is always worth giving it a chance by experiencing it because there is no “downside” to the technique. At worst, it may do nothing but giving you a piece of mind, clarity and tranquility and make the client feel a little better as it cannot do any damage itself.

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