Archive for the ‘Relationship’ Category

טיפול היפנוזה בהתמכרות להימורים בספורטאי

בשנים האחרונות חלה עלייה משמעותית במספר המכורים הפונים לטיפול בעקבות בעיית הימורים. אנחנו, שמטפלים בהתמכרויות ומכורים , יודעים להעיד  שההתמכרות להימורים היא לא פחות מ”מכת מדינה”. זאת התמכרות קשה ביותר, עם השלכות הרסניות למכור עצמו ולכל מי שנמצא בסביבתו.  מהמר כפייתי אינו עונה בהכרח לסטריאוטיפים המקובלים. לרוב מדובר באנשים אינטליגנטים, לוקחים סיכונים, רובם בעלי הישגים מקצועיים מרשימים. […]

Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency and Hypnotherapy

1. Muscle and Bone Weakness: Vitamin D is important for bones, muscles and teeth. Weakened bones, teeth, or muscles may be a sign that you are not getting enough of it. 2. Feeling Blue Or Sad: Researchers have found that woman with low levels of vitamin D are more likely to be depressed or struggle […]

Hypnosis With Disturbance In The Brain And Epilepsy

In many patients, in spite of exhaustive efforts/investigations, no cause of epilepsy may be located. Such cases are called idiopathic cases of epilepsy. However, an intensive drive is a must to detect any lesion in the brain which could account for an epileptic attack, the reason being, that if the cause of epilepsy is detected, […]

Kindness Equals Happiness

Wouldn’t it be great if you could shop online and buy lifelong happiness? The idea’s not as fanciful as it sounds—as long as whatever you buy is meant for someone else. They’ve been studies done that suggests giving to others makes us happy, even happier than spending on ourselves. And I agree!  Because our kindness does […]

Important Life Lessons, We learn as we Age

Important Life Lessons, We learn as we Age

We often let the little frustrations of each day stop us from appreciating life in the present moment. But, as we grow older, we learn to detach ourselves from the drama and the chaos we once engaged in. As we age, we become more humble about life and are less willing to spend our time […]

Why are you in pain if at all?

Our brain then to make us feel pain. So if we put our hand on a hot stove, our nerves send a message to our brain, and our brain quickly sends the message that our hand hurts. … We need the sensation of pain to let us know when our bodies need extra care. It’s an important signal. When your body […]

Is Your Headache Driving You Crazy?

There are no magic potions for headache pain, but there are solutions. Wouldn’t you like to:  Stop the pain? Relieve stress? Lead a normal life? Enjoy time with your family? Pursue your education and career without worry? Relax when you need to? Enjoy your vacation? Enjoy holidays? It’s all possible! Headache Information & Headache Relief The […]

The Difference Between Sympathy and Empathy!

Sympathetic, fine but better still, be EMPATHIC: Difference between Sympathy and Empathy is, sympathy is a feeling of kindness you have for others but empathy is a step further when you feel as others are feeling. Empathy is about sharing their woes. Empathic people are quick to realize the true feelings of others and would […]

Overcoming Stress!

In this day and age, our mental and physical states are constantly under the pressure of the life we lead. Our expectations in our work environment and general living standards, places us under excessive amounts of stress and strain.   And more times than not, illness, either mental or physical, will begin to manifest into […]

The Secrets to Happiness!

We all know that money can’t buy happiness … And many times we act as if we would be happier with a little bit more money. We are conditioned to want to be wealthy (when we know the wealthy aren’t happy either. However we are conditioned to want the latest gadget or style that advertising […]