Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Crisis!

Are you having a terrible time? Are you questioning your existence? Do you find yourself in the darkest place? Nobody understands you? Your cell phone erases itself; your partner breaks up with you over a text out of nowhere when you just felt that everything was just beautiful? People argue over nonsense, traffic sucks, you get sick […]


Here is some information that may help reduce or eliminate occasional headaches. If you suffer constantly from debilitating headaches you must first be under the care of a physician, Chiropractor or other healthcare provider, then after your visit, schedule an appointment with your hypnotherapist. And please make sure the hypnotherapists is trained with pain management. Or […]

The Difference Between Sympathy and Empathy!

Sympathetic, fine but better still, be EMPATHIC: Difference between Sympathy and Empathy is, sympathy is a feeling of kindness you have for others but empathy is a step further when you feel as others are feeling. Empathy is about sharing their woes. Empathic people are quick to realize the true feelings of others and would […]

Overcoming Stress!

In this day and age, our mental and physical states are constantly under the pressure of the life we lead. Our expectations in our work environment and general living standards, places us under excessive amounts of stress and strain.   And more times than not, illness, either mental or physical, will begin to manifest into […]

The Secrets to Happiness!

We all know that money can’t buy happiness … And many times we act as if we would be happier with a little bit more money. We are conditioned to want to be wealthy (when we know the wealthy aren’t happy either. However we are conditioned to want the latest gadget or style that advertising […]

8 Flexibility Exercises – Help You Deal with Pain!

No matter how old you are, you should still perform flexibility exercises regularly, whether you also go to a gym or exercise at home. At a more advanced age, flexibility has a major role in increasing your range of motion, making it easier to move about and improve your general posture. Also, there are flexibility […]

Celebrities Who Used Hypnosis

Celebrities Who Used Hypnosis to Stop Smoking Ashton Kutcher stopped smoking with hypnosis. Hollywood actor Aaron Eckhart has credited hypnosis with changing his life forever after he used the practice to give up smoking and alcohol. Celebrity- Hollywood star Jessica Alba have used hypnosis for natural childbirth Royalty Princess Kate Middleton’s has used hypnosis to […]

The Most Popular Weight Loss Scams Vs. Hypnosis

Exposed: The biggest diet and weight loss lies ever now revealed. Perhaps you tried all the promising diet pills, injections, juicing, patch, tea, liposuction, etc. But the truth is, nothing is better than using hypnosis!  Most of us know that eating healthier and exercising regularly can facilitate weight loss, and that remaining overweight comes at […]

How blood pressure works

If you lined up all the blood vessels in your body, they’d be 60 thousand miles long. And every day, they carry the equivalent of over two thousand gallons of blood to the body’s tissues. What effect does this pressure have on the walls of the blood vessels? Wilfred Manzano gives the facts on blood […]

7 Yoga Stretches You can Practice on a Chair

From reduced stress, to improved strength and flexibility, the benefits of yoga have made it an increasingly popular form of exercise in the west. But, it can be rather intimidating to some too. Perhaps you may feel that you just ‘don’t bend that way’, or you might find it difficult to keep up with others […]