Archive for the ‘Hypnotherapy’ Category

8 Pressure Points That Will Reduce Your Stress in Seconds

We all have our ways of dealing with stress. Some people escape to a sunny beach, some prefer a nice glass of wine, and others even do their best to ignore it. Each way has its advantages (and sometimes disadvantages), but we can’t always do what helps at the exact moment we need to. This […]

Hypnosis and Iron Overload -“Hemochromatosis”!

According to Mayo Clinic the hereditary hemochromatosis causes the body absorb too much iron from the food a person eat. Excess iron is stored in the organs, especially inside the liver, heart and pancreas. Too much iron can lead to life-threatening conditions, such as liver disease, heart problems and diabetes. Excess iron from dietary sources is […]


Body language, tone and manner, matter a lot whenever you are speaking to someone. Be polite and positive. Mean what you say and do not mince words. Better to be straight forward rather ‘say something, mean something types’. Never irk to have the last word in a discussion (avoid arguments). Give-in in all the minor […]

9 Odd Habits Of Famous People

In history and in life we often learn to admire famous people who excelled in their fields and somehow changed the world in their own way. We often forget that these people were human too, and that they had their own ways of getting shit done. 1. Kishore Kumar The legendary playback singer, actor and […]

13 Possible Reasons Why Your Memory is Letting You Down

You walk into the kitchen only to realize you have no idea why you’re there, forget the name of someone you just met, start driving only to realize you forgot how to get to where it is that you’re going. Such lapses are usually attributed to an overload of information, but from time to time, […]

How to deal with failure in Business!

If your startup was not profitable and had little to no money in your; checking and saving account, you’ll either asked most employees to leave or close your business. As a laid off employee or a founder, where do you go from here? Deal with failure: Losing a job is bad enough; I know it from […]

Hypnosis, Energy & Crystals to Complement IVF

The use of hypnosis and crystal bed healing and energy healing in medicine is widespread. No matter if you are visiting a dentist or a gynecologist, hypnosis, crystal bed healing and energy healing is used to help patients who are afraid of necessary medical procedures and helps them ease the pain that they feel during the procedure. […]

What is the meaning of life?

Nothing in life has any meaning besides the meaning we give it. How do we create meaning? In many cases we are programmed by our culture and the people around us. The truth is that all meaning is subjective. Some of us believe that good clothes, a perfect, body big house, car and having a […]


Don’t limit yourself; that is one way you will not discover the full potential you possess. Do something you never did, go someplace you’ve never being to, meet people you don’t know, and experience the goodness of life and you will experience a new phase of life you never encountered before. When you are tired […]

Conditional or Unconditional Love…

Over life time, I’ve been searching for answers and understandings the phenomenon of seeking for approvals especially in people’s life and relationships.  My divorce has brought up an intense emotional confusion.  Like most people, I was a fundamental source of love for other half, especially during my childhood and my marriage.  Which over time I’ve […]