Archive for the ‘Dating’ Category

20/20 from ABC News : Children of Hoarders

Hoardings can affect everyone, and Hypnosis is the real affective solution to help you stop compulsive hoarding, let me help you understand your problem and find the calm and permanent solution before its’ it’s too hard and too complicated to help you. Two behaviors characterize hoarding: acquiring too many possessions and difficulty discarding or getting rid […]

Self Hypnosis- For Stress Reduction

Hypnosis Is Great When You: Take a stress-reduction break wherever you are confused, angry, bored, or stuck in your head. Self Hypnosis can melt away your stress, while it brings back your inner stability. When stress has you anxious, tense, worried, confused, angry, bored or stuck in your head, consider self hypnosis. Taking even just […]

Rumor Been Around as Long as Human Civilization

FOR ANYONE WHO is worried about the power of a vicious rumor, the question is why do people do it?  We always buffeted by rumors about his religion, that upbringing, controversial statements made by him, or her, and we all know fast false rumor travels? Fighting rumors by publicizing them in vivid, high-profile locations is, […]

Affective Ways to Avoid Repeating the Old Same Mistakes All over Again

Some of you may feel or think  that you are a complete failures when it comes to things in life. You find yourself stuck in the same routine of making the same mistakes repeatedly. There are some things that you can do to make sure that history does not repeat itself when you mess up. […]

You Don’t Need a Vacation to Eliminate Stress!

Let’s face it, when you run a way from a stressful lifestyle to a beautiful island, you are simply not dealing with the stress, instead you are just escaping from all those responsibilities you need to deal with sooner or later. Dear readers, I am here to “wake you up” and say, “Vacations are really […]

Your Tears Don’t Lie

It’s OK to pay attention and to allow your tears to scream, we all need a good cleansing of the heart and of all the self-consciences from our past, your tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside your Inner Child, your hidden Inner feelings. Once you have learned the art of […]

What is a Real Cougar Women?

Photo by Farah from Burst  Being a Cougar is really about being a sophisticated, intelligent independent woman and, in my opinion, by all means, being a Cougar is a symbol of empowerment as a woman. I can only tell you that some of us have earned this power due to the fact that we’ve grown through challenges in […]

Hypnosis to Counteract Depression & Suicide Thoughts

  Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst Remember you are not alone: The first two things you should do is to tell your doctor, and your family member. If there are counseling sessions available (these are usually free depends on where you live- ask your doctor) If not find someone you can trust, your physician would love […]

Are You Hypnotized by the Vampire?

How Does It Work! A Good Hypnotherapist start building a report with the client, getting to know them better in order to assist on the specific request that the client came in initially and that is what the hypnotherapist start working on. No Hypnotherapist will guarantee healing or number of sessions to clients, just because […]