Your Tears Don’t Lie

It’s OK to pay attention and to allow your tears to scream, we all need a good cleansing of the heart and of all the self-consciences from our past, your tears will take out all the agony that is hidden inside your Inner Child, your hidden Inner feelings.

Once you have learned the art of cleansing, you will be immensely surprised: why has this not been told up to now? There is a reason: nobody has wanted humanity to have the freshness of the aroma from a coffee, or the fragrance of the flowers.

“There was a study done where a control group of 100 people were divided into two.”

50 people watched a very funny, tears-of laughter type movie. 50 watched a very sad and tears of compassion/tragedy type movie.

At the end of the sessions researchers collected the “happy tears” and the sad tears” with eye droppers.

They found that “happy tears” are made up of brine… salt water and not a great deal else

However the “sad tears” were found to contain the very same chemicals and enzymes that are found in tumors, ulcers and other such lumps and bumps and sicknesses through out the body.

This test concluded that the body, when crying in sadness etc is literally flushing out all of the toxic-chemicals that accumulate and are a part of the sadness /heartache experience.

Therefore if one holds back those tears, those toxic-waters will find somewhere else to deposit themselves… And prolonged lack-of-crying- release will guarantee that the body will accumulate a huge amount of internal pollution and toxicity that should have been released through

the tears.. Is it any wonder that the eyes sting so much when we hold

back our tears?

“Protecting” tears moisturize the eye, wash away irritants; also as tear gas, it is to protect the eyes from infection. But these protective or “irritant tears” caused by chopping onions and they are different from “emotional tears”.

Tears caused by emotions, such as grieving are coming from the deep feelings of the heart; those emotional tears contain three chemicals released by the body during stress:

1. Leucine-enkephalin: a mood elevating and pain reducing endorphins.

2. ACTH: a hormone considered to be the most reliable indicator of stress.

3. Prolactin: the hormone that regulates milk production in mammals.

Dr. Frey states that emotional crying has a physical purpose: tears are secreted through a duct, much like urination. He believes that like urination, tearing may be involved in removing toxic substances or waste products from the body. He posits that this is why so many people report feeling better after crying. The venting of emotions is helpful, but the actual chemical composition of the discharged tears may be involved in this feeling of Well-being.

Have you ever noticed that men and women cry differently?

Men cry quietly and their eyes brim neatly with some tears.

Women make crying noises as lots of tears stream down their cheeks.

The reason for the difference is simple – Men’s tear glands are structurally smaller than Women’s. Knowing this, women and men really can’t accuse each other of crying too little or too much. And apparently, working through grief is the hardest thing you will ever do.

I have learned during Inner Child therapy especially with male clients, that man crying was a sign of loss of control and a sign of weakness.

However, in today’s society we seem to be accepting the view that there is value in emotional crying. Dr. Frey noted that autopsies of some chronic depressives have revealed high concentrations of manganese in the brain, and concluded that crying may be a way of keeping depression at bay.

In my workshops we actually learn that crying is appropriate and can reduce our need for psychotherapists. Studies also show that healthy people tend to cry and have a more positive attitude toward tears than those who suffer from ulcers or colitis.

Did you know that “Crying” is the most economical, natural and powerful mechanism for coping with pain, stress and sorrow, grief and sadness?

We should encourage healthy crying, our tears don’t want to shout down anymore, our tears don’t lie, there for, weeping is most likely a necessary contributing factor to human strength.

© 2008 Doreen Cohanim – All Rights Reserved.

I am a professional fully qualified and experienced in helping to client’s in changing their life style in the most natural ways possible.

You can contact me for your free consultation… local or long distance. Free your self from the toxic of emotional pain.

Doreen Cohanim MM, C.Ht, HBCH
HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator

Doreen has conducted lectures on Past Life Regression and Energy Healing classes at various places and countries such as Israel, Mexico and Canada. As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, Doreen draws to her practice a great experience in working with psychologists, family therapists, sexual assault therapists and physicians since 1999.

Doreen is also assisting therapeutic personal growth workshops for Chakra balancing that is called “The Dance Chakra,” as well her experience as a Certified Massage Therapist for six years.

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