The Truth About Diabetics And Why You Should Avoid Caffeine

A study published in the journal Diabetes Care reports that diabetics may want to avoid caffeine.

According to researchers at Duke University Medical Center, caffeine caused the blood sugar glucose levels of type 2 diabetics to rise throughout the day.

While previous studies show that people who drank coffee had a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, the study by Duke researchers was conducted using a tiny glucose monitor embedded under the abdominal skin to continuously monitor glucose levels.

On the days participants consumed an amount of caffeine equivalent to four cups of coffee, their average sugar level rose 8% compared to days they were given a placebo.

Caffeine triggers the release of hormone adrenaline, which can elevate blood sugar levels, says researchers.

Additionally, caffeine may also interfere as glucose from blood is transferred into muscles and other cells to be burned as fuel.

I personally worked with many diabetics, and helped their quality of life, by introducing client to Hypnosis and Hypno-Band the virtual gastric surgery without the actual surgery, and it’s been successfully applied to clients that have diabetes. Usually it takes from 4 to 10 sessions to control or get rid of diabetes. The sessions are once a week for approximately 50 minutes. This is for both adults and children who need help. Along with medical treatment, hypnosis can help to control or even alleviate all symptoms of diabetes. Hypnosis promotes self healing and controls diabetes through mind body interaction.

Many, but not all diabetics are overweight or have issues with depression or anxiety which heightens their symptoms. Getting control of negative thoughts through hypnosis can help heal the body or even help the body to produce more insulin.

Hypnosis also heals by changing eating habits and getting the client into changing certain habits that are destructive or unwanted.

The pancreas is part of the digestive system and lies the abdomen, behind the stomach. Both insulin and glucagon are produced by the pancreas to control sugar levels in your body.

The problem in people with diabetes is that either they don’t produce enough insulin, or the insulin they do produce doesn’t work properly, or their cells don’t respond properly to insulin. The net result is that glucose isn’t cleared from their bloodstream. Their blood glucose levels are then too high and the body tries to clear them away by various compensatory methods, such as increased urination.

Insulin helps to reduce the glucose levels produced by the breakdown of carbohydrates that have been eaten.

Hypnosis can have a great effect on changing the way your body is producing insulin or overall health and well-being. Diabetics that are hypnotized can be told they are producing more insulin and there body can produce more, even when the pancreas has stopped working.

Although that it is said that there is no real cure for diabetes, I know for fact that the mind is so powerful that we can change almost anything in the body that we want to. The subconscious mind does not know the difference between fact and fiction, “real or fake’. This is how through hypnosis you can change the mind body connection and actually get the body to think it is working perfectly, or producing enough insulin and glucagon. Your body can heal anything through the mind it is based on the power of your belief.

If you have any questions or ready to take control of your life, happiness and well-being, remember Hypnosis is the solution followed with doctor referrals and doctor supervision.

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