Science of Growing Old – Hypnosis and Alzheimer

There are nearly 28 million people in the world with dementia and the experience of this debilitating condition is unique for each individual, although sadly as well as for their family, hypnosis is available to not only support the family members also to assist the client. However it was found found that hypnosis can slow the symptoms of dementia. It’s been a fact that dementia is a neurological condition which can result in people losing their memories- they can forget where they live, they forget people they love, and tend to become more withdrawn and less social as the disease progresses.

It was found in a study that dementia patients were treated with hypnosis, and showed improvements in memory, concentration, and levels of social interaction compared to a group who did not undergo hypnosis. In addition, for the hypnosis dementia group support, relaxation, interest, and motivation also improved, as did participation in the activities of daily living, such as taking a shower, fixing a meal, and etc.

Although there is no promise by me that hypnosis can cure dementia/ Alzheimer, but there are some lifestyle changes you can make to reduce your risk for AD.

I hope this Video helps you understand your love ones, and if you need help for yourself to come with family members or for them, I am here to assist you.

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