What is Self Hypnosis!

How do you do that?

That is really tricky, Not really, I am just kidding here…Ok, I am not sure if you know what is guided meditation or if you ever experienced any form of meditation… but self hypnosis is just like that.

Self hypnosis is a special form of meditation that allows you to alter your old pattern or behavior in a way that you can benefit from your new life goal, so you can achieve the improvement you desire.

Self hypnosis is like self coaching that take yourself into a very calming state of mind… and if the first time didn’t work well, then all you have to do is to practice this are until you get to the point of relaxation…. Once you able to achieve this level, then you can benefit from the manifestation…

How do you know, if you are hypnotized or not?

You will be easily able to recognize the sensation followed by the feelings of deep trance, in other words “mental relaxation”.

Self hypnosis is a great tool for goal setting, motivation, stress release; anxiety, basically almost everything…

What are the signs of trance state?

Every one is different, and everyone does experience deep trance a little differently.

Here are few examples of how one should experience and what ever the person experiences, is quit all right, it is their way of relaxation, some feel it in their feet and hands, some in different areas of there body or even in the entire body, there is no right or wrong here..

One can feel the relaxation in a form of feelings, such as their body becomes heavy, or sinking to the bed or the recliner.

One will feel numbness, or tingling sensations, cold or even worm feelings in their body. (I usually feel very cold) so I make sure I have a blanket on me…

One can feel their entire body feels light as a feather, flowing, floating or flying…

And one can feel emptiness, stillness… some may even feel out of body experience, feeling that their body is floating away from the recliner or looking at them self from the ceiling down… knowing that they were still laying on the recliner…. This experience is known as trance logic, meaning the subconscious mind is able to think of two paradoxical effects at once while you are in trance.

One can feel totally disconnected from the surroundings, that all the sounds and noises around them may sound so far a way….at times even fading away, as they were never near by….

Self Hypnosis Instructions:

Find a comfortable place, so you can relax without any interruptions, it can be a sofa, recliner, bed or a chair. (When in bed, make sure you pile up some pillows, so you don’t associate with sleep).

You may start by concentrating on your breathing and gradually closing your eyes when ready, and as you breath in and out start by visualizing a place from a vacation or just an imaginary place, until you have a vision of that relax place in your own mind, so you can feel the relaxation.

You can start by saying with each and every breath that I inhale, I feel calmer and relaxed, as I exhale any toxic or tension going out of my body, I let go of all my tensions now…

You can start from the tip of your head or you can start from the tip of your toes as you relax your body part, one by one…

And as you continue gradually to relax each body part, you will feel your body becomes loose and limp… keep talking to yourself slowly and telling your self now I can see this blue light color washing my body with a wave of relaxation and calmness, I feel so relax, so calm.. Now!

(You can use energy light, colors, water falls, shower…what ever you like that can help you to relax…

Hope you get the point and then when your body feels so relax you start by giving your self suggestions related to what ever you want to work on… or what you want to achieve such as I am now “increasing more confidence in my social circumstances.”

The more you are able to visualize the deeper you can go, but if you cannot visualize easily, that’s OK too, just pretend, use your memory of a place from a vacation or a past visit that you felt so relax… from here all you have to do is to bring that images into your mind, be playful, no one sees what you see, so have fun and enjoy the relaxation followed with positive affirmation and or suggestions, to better your life…

Be creative, fun and excited with your experience, you will be surprised how confident you will feel after the self hypnosis session… you can play a soft music in the background if you want, remember there is no right and wrong, the entire idea is to relax and enjoy stress free life style.

Would I wake up from Self Hypnosis?

Of course you will, just make sure to tell yourself I will be wide a wake and fully alert. Counting yourself out… 1… 2.. 3.. 4… 5.. Wide…. awake…

What happen if you I enter into a sleep mood?

No problem, when you wake up, you will feel great… and if you must wake up, have an alarm to wake you up…

I am a professional fully qualified and experienced in helping to change my client’s life style in the most natural ways possible.

You can contact me for your free consultation… local or long distance.

Free your self from the nightmare of Social Anxiety Disorder.

Doreen Cohanim MM, C.Ht, HBCH

HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator


© 2008 Doreen Cohanim – All Rights Reserved.

Doreen has conducted lectures on Past Life Regression and Energy Healing classes at various places and countries such as Israel, Mexico and Canada.

As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, Doreen draws to her practice a great experience in working with psychologists, family therapists, sexual assault therapists and physicians since 1999.

Doreen is also assisting therapeutic personal growth workshops for Chakra balancing that is called “The Dance Chakra,” as well her experience as a Certified Massage Therapist for six years.

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