Hypnosis to Release Social Anxiety Disorder

Have you, or do you know anyone who felt awkward or nervous in a socially situation or a circumstances in time during their life? Such as in a group lecture or study, asking for farther explanation in a classroom or group settings, or standing in front of an opposite sex, not knowing what to do next? Getting the picture…

Have you, or do you know anyone who felt worry about giving formal presentations or a speech in front of other people?

We all suffer from this situation in one time or another, but some are easily adjusted and some aren’t… People who are socially anxious are extremely apprehensive by others who may or will criticize their public behavior.

The worries come from a place that leave the person in a state of speechless, unintelligent, or demonstrate uneasy symbols that they are restless or pathetic. It is this uneasy fearful feeling that dissatisfy from others that originates their sufferings.

Generally apprehensive individual hunt for ways to keep away from this danger whenever possible, and suffers major anxiety way before the actual occasion happens, there for it expand the skill of anxiety and worry throughout the presentation. After the event, the individual analyzes his or her progress and pessimistically understands the feedback of others, even though the “presentation ” might have been the simple act of smiling when a compliment was given in a group lecture.

That is why all socially anxious people fear public speaking. The other comment fears are: being the center of attention, eating in public, signing their own name or writing in public and using public bathrooms.

My ex husband for example used to become much disoriented when he had to sign his name in front of the teller at the bank or even next to me.

I also remember when my brothers use to ask my ex husband to pose for their friends, to show his nice muscular body, my ex will immediately feel uncomfortable for being put in this situation, when my brothers were only impressed by his physical muscular body.

Fifteen years ago, I had no idea that his fear was a symptom of social anxiety disorder due to being the center of attention.

When I had to read my hand writing analysis in front of the class, my heart started to rise, I was shaking in my hands and legs, I was sweating and my voice was shaky as well, there for I had a very hard time reading my analysis, and that was defiantly social anxiety disorder, only after when I was tolled I did well, I could feel my heart and body relaxing….

That what happens, when a person faces fearful circumstances, the experience is as many as the same anxious feelings that activate the physical warning signs as those during a panic attack. On the other hand compacted physical warning signs appear such as: immediate heart rate, sweating and blushing, shaky voice, shaky hands, all those are more ordinary and can be more upsetting, since others can sense it or witness it… for some people when it is intense and apprehensive, they can feel stuck and stiff as if they can’t move their body.

That can even lead to panic and anxiety attack, exactly like our survivor mechanism, known to us as the ‘fight and flight’ reaction.

The automatic body reaction is our instinct response to a perceptible danger. This survival mechanism is activated by hormones that are released into the human body to allow us to deal with natural response of fight and flight, fight as dealing with the situation right then or flight, escaping from danger.

Now, how one can benefit from hypnotherapy and energy healing?

Really simple: It eases and relaxes the physical and the emotional feelings from the effects of the fight or flight reaction that includes the increase in the persons heart rate to push away the blood faster to the lungs, muscles and to the brain. Due to rapid breathing that increase the human oxygen levels, and as a result the muscles become tense and ready for battle and many unnecessary acts for fight or flight, such as incorporation or procreation, fixed or the end.

What actually activates our fight and flight response is the imagination that subconscious mind chose to believe by sending the out of proportion signals to our inner thoughts and bodies, there for our subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between the feelings related to the condition and the condition itself.

Therefore just by thinking, worrying or wondering what if? That is related to the current situation, a person can activate the fight or flight response in exactly the same way as if they were actually experiencing it in actuality.

Panic disorder is as a result of a major life stress or an increase of stress.

Usually this type of stress are major stress from life it self, such as loss of a loved one, moving to a different country or home relocation, loss of relationship, partnership, child, separation anxiety, birth of a child , employment, relationship trouble, financial trouble, illness- mental or physical, environmental disaster such as hurricanes earthquakes etc.

Common examples of anxiety are public speaking anxiety, performance anxiety, blushing-shyness, exam anxiety, fear of flying, driving, heights etc.

Of course there are numerous different anxiety disorders and people may experience warning signs of more than one at the same time.

Anxiety Disorder is persistence and noticeable anxiety or over worrying about actions, events or situation which may or may not occur.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is the act of compulsiveness, from unwanted thoughts or behaviors. This is usually an act of repetitive behaviors, for example, my 18 year old son, keeps flipping his cell phone to the point that it can be annoying, or such as cleaning over and over, checking in the door over and over, closing the windows and opening over and over, counting over and over, repeating words usually quietly but over and over, washing hand over and over, it’s getting annoying all the over and over, isn’t it?.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) usually is the experience after, or confrontation or events that involved actual or threatened death, after child birth or a severe physical injury or injury of self or even others (that happens mostly after child birth… The characteristic of PTSD is the reliving of the experience through nightmares or flashbacks from childhood traumas.

Social Anxiety is when the person experience fear, anxiety or panic in social circumstances. This type of fear comes from fear of making fool of them selves, fun of themselves.

Panic Disorder is the fear of having an impulsive panic attack. The strength of the attack can be very harsh to a point that the person feels like he is having a heart attack and even have the thought of this is it, I am losing it or I am dying, It can be pretty scary to be in that situation.

Particular Phobias are an excessive fear about a specific thing such as animals, heights, flying, blood etc.

Anxiety disorder can also practice a number of different warning signs as a result of their disorder.

Symptoms of anxiety may include:

Breathing difficulties – Excessive perspiration – Tingling feeling – Tightening of the throat – Light-dizziness – Hyperventilation

Frequent need to urinate- Muscle Tension – Diarrhea – Chest pain – Sweating hands – Sleeping difficulties – Headaches -Neck pain -unexplained rashes – Dis-socialize symptoms – Depersonalization – Aching jaw – Extreme exhaustion Lack of concentration – Feeling detached from body – Nausea and/or vomiting – Digestive problems – Loss of feelings and/or libido – Pounding heart – Trembling Short term memory loss- Fear of embarrassment – Ice cold feeling – hot prickly feeling – Choking sensation – Intense heat – Indigestion – Pins and needles – Fear of losing control – Fear of making a fool of self- Fear of going insane – Fear of having a heart attack – Fear of dying – Burning stomach – Muscle pain – Sensitivity to light/sound

Please Note: This article is not to help you to self diagnose, but to educate you about the symptoms, if you are suffering from any of the above symptoms then consult with your doctor right away. Panic attacks and anxiety can imitate a number of physical conditions, and it is important for you to discuss your symptoms with your doctor.

The treatment with hypnotherapy:

Hypnosis is a fantastic tool that you can learn from an experience hypnotherapist in your local area that can teach you, how to relax your inner mind and your physical body, so you can achieve the ultimate goal of self improvement.

When dealing with Social Anxiety Disorder the therapist can help you with just as little as 4 to 6 sessions, unless the situation is more complex, in that case hypnotherapy sessions will vary from person to person.

I am a professional fully qualified and experienced in helping to change my client’s life style in the most natural ways possible.

Feel free to contact me for your free consultation… local or long distance.

Free your self from the nightmare of Social Anxiety Disorder.

Doreen Cohanim MM, C.Ht, HBCH

HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator


© 2008 Doreen Cohanim – All Rights Reserved.

Doreen has conducted lectures on Past Life Regression and Energy Healing classes at various places and countries such as Israel, Mexico and Canada.

As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer, Doreen draws to her practice a great experience in working with psychologists, family therapists, sexual assault therapists and physicians since 1999.

Doreen is also assisting therapeutic personal growth workshops for Chakra balancing that is called “The Dance Chakra,” as well her experience as a Certified Massage Therapist for six years.

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