Archive for the ‘Joy’ Category

Celebrities Who Used Hypnosis

Celebrities Who Used Hypnosis to Stop Smoking Ashton Kutcher stopped smoking with hypnosis. Hollywood actor Aaron Eckhart has credited hypnosis with changing his life forever after he used the practice to give up smoking and alcohol. Celebrity- Hollywood star Jessica Alba have used hypnosis for natural childbirth Royalty Princess Kate Middleton’s has used hypnosis to […]

7 Yoga Stretches You can Practice on a Chair

From reduced stress, to improved strength and flexibility, the benefits of yoga have made it an increasingly popular form of exercise in the west. But, it can be rather intimidating to some too. Perhaps you may feel that you just ‘don’t bend that way’, or you might find it difficult to keep up with others […]

Types of Travellers You May Find on a Journey

1. THE FOODIE is the one who can’t resist food. Anything edible is spotted, the next moment you see that going down their throat. 2. THE MUSIC LOVER always have their earphones plugged in. The music never stops and they are lost in a world of their own. These people highly believe in the policy […]

What is the meaning of life?

Nothing in life has any meaning besides the meaning we give it. How do we create meaning? In many cases we are programmed by our culture and the people around us. The truth is that all meaning is subjective. Some of us believe that good clothes, a perfect, body big house, car and having a […]

What is a Real Cougar Women?

Photo by Farah from Burst  Being a Cougar is really about being a sophisticated, intelligent independent woman and, in my opinion, by all means, being a Cougar is a symbol of empowerment as a woman. I can only tell you that some of us have earned this power due to the fact that we’ve grown through challenges in […]

How I Wish I Was Rich!

Author : Doreen Cohanim All of us have so many wishes throughout our lives, and we always complain about not getting our wishes. What would you do if your wish actually came true? One day, a client came to see me because he was by himself, lonely and sad. All of his family members and […]