Fertility Affirmations

Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant Naturally Without Fertility Drugs or IVF With Daily Positive Affirmation
Getting Pregnant naturally can be easier than you think. I am dedicated to helping you with all the information needed for you to use natural and alternative like diet, affirmation, relaxation, self-massage, vitamins, energy healing,  and hypnosis to get pregnant.

Just imagine that there is a perfect method to increase your fertility and achieve conception naturally in as little time as possible. Imagine seeing yourself been able to overcome your fear and infertility easily and naturally without having to take fertility drugs or having to go through expensive infertility treatments like IVF and IUI.

For You To Get Pregnant You Need To Have:

A. Healthy eggs
B. Healthy motile sperm
C. Plenty of fertile cervical mucus at the time of ovulation

You will learn a step-by-step method that can help you to easily achieve a healthy conception with the help of proven natural hypnosis.
Getting Pregnant Naturally Is Easy When You:

  1. Predict ovulation accurately each month while trying to conceive
  2. Discover which fertility vitamins help you get pregnant faster
  3. Improve your diet to increase sperm and egg quality
  4. Eliminate harmful toxins from your body
  5. Discover which fertility herbs stimulate healthy ovulation
  6. Learn how to create hormonal balance
  7. Eliminate stress, anxiety, and worry
  8. Detect your fertility signs to target lovemaking for conception

Please remember, that getting pregnant requires some effort, However, YOU CAN OVERCOME INFERTILITY NATURALLY, even if you had miscarriages, abortions, irregular cycles, hormonal imbalance, poor egg quality, endometriosis, blocked fallopian tubes, fibroids, PCOS, and luteal phase defect.

Did you know? that the difficulty to get pregnant is a weakness and not a disease!
Did you know that the vast majority of infertility cases treated with fertility drugs and IVF treatments but they are unnecessary?
Did you know that fertility drugs have been shown by clinical studies to cause leukemia in babies and increase the risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancers in mothers?
Did you know that fertility drugs can even hinder your chances of becoming pregnant?

Take Charge Of Your Fertility

The following are positive affirmations that will help bring healing and balance in your physical body.

I trust my body

New balance is coming into my body

My reproductive organs work in perfect harmony with my body to allow an easy conception.

Every time my period comes I rejoice in the fact that my body is functioning correctly.

My hormones working with a perfect balance and my menstrual cycle is becoming more and more regular

My eggs are healthy and happy to release during my next ovulation

I ovulate around day 14 and my fertility signs are very clear to me

My body knows how to conceive a healthy baby

The most perfect egg is preparing to be released by my ovary and the most perfect sperm is preparing to fertilize

I forgive my self, my body, and others for failing to conceive

I love and respect myself and my body at all time

Affirmations to Release Mental Blocks
When your mind introduced to thoughts of worry, fright, and insecurity, it weakens your hope for the future. Positive affirmations can help you increase your mental strength and release old thinking patterns that no longer serve your life purpose.

I trust and I love myself.

I accept the gift of life within myself.

I willingly release old thinking patterns based on fear and self-doubt. I allow new ones based on love and self-confidence.

I now choose positive thoughts that nurture and support my life.

I accept the responsibilities of motherhood (fatherhood) and I know I will rise to the occasion when the time comes.

I am now a loving parent to myself.

I focus on the power of now.

I release fears about age and time.

I set my worries aside and I allow my body to do its job.

I surrender to the power of nature as I celebrate a new cycle of birth within myself.

Affirmations For Emotional Healing
Positive affirmations are very useful in counteracting negative emotions that pull you down. Sadness is a very common emotion in couples who cannot conceive, but it can hinder your fertility.

I now release all emotional blocks that prevent me from conceiving a baby.

I now release all unwanted built-up emotional patterns that prevent me from connecting to my inner self.

I am now becoming more and more confident about my ability to become a mother (father).

I now release all my fears and concerns about infertility and I declare myself fertile.

As my sadness lifts away a renewed sense of hope settles in my heart.

I express my feeling and I share them with my partner.

Affirmation For Life Style Changes
The following positive affirmations will help you and support you while you make the necessary lifestyle changes to increase your fertility.

I choose a healthy lifestyle that enhances my fertility.

I drink plenty of purified water every day. I am hydrated and healthy.

I choose healthy foods every day. I now crave only foods that increase my well being.

I am very energetic and I channel my energy in positive ways.

I educate myself about a healthy pre-conception lifestyle.

I eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

I take natural vitamins and minerals my body needs to increase my fertility.

It is easy for me to avoid alcohol, too much coffee, and unhealthy food choices.

I easily avoid hydrogenated, highly processed foods and I enjoy simple foods made by nature.

I educate myself on the power of eating raw whole foods.

I love my new healthy lifestyle.

Affirmation For Manifesting A Baby
Positive affirmations help you manifest into your life what you have desired for so long. It is time to allow the manifestation process to take place.

The universal life force brings me new creative energy.

I welcome my time to be a parent.

I graciously accept my creative powers.

I allow the creative forces within me to be released.

I allow my creative energies to work through me and bring me a healthy pregnancy and baby.

I deserve the best outcome and with joy, I am thankful for a new life.

I experience a profound connection to the miracle of life.

I now manifest my decision to have a baby.

I visualize having a baby.

Affirmation to Heal with Protective Energy Light
There is a subtle energy field that surrounds your physical body. This energy field is life-giving and it is often referred to as the life force. Good health is achieved when the life force is balanced and allowed to flow freely. When it is blocked and unbalanced, it leads to dis-ease. The following positive affirmations are meant to assist your healing journey by using light and energy. If you like to use healing crystals, place a rose quartz crystal on your heart area.

I allow the light to cleanse away all my fears, indecisions and concerns regarding pregnancy, delivery, and parenting.

I allow harmonious energies to heal me at this very moment.

I am open to new energies and I allow new life to enter my life.

I visualize the color pink surrounding me and bringing me love.

I now access my spiritual abilities and intuitive perception.

I visualize a bright white light cleansing away all my fears and negative thoughts.

I am safe and I am loved.

Affirmation For Fertility & Angels
Angels are part of the universal force of Love & Light as they are spiritual energy beings. You do not have to believe in their existence, you just need to be willing to ask for their help and support. You will be surprised how much love and light they can bring into your life. These positive affirmations will help you surround yourself with their love and healing energies. Expect miracles!

I ask the angelic healers to remove any block that prevents me from getting pregnant.

I surround the healing forces of the universe.

I ask Archangel Raphael to deeply heal my mind, body, and soul now.

I ask the Angels for guidance and protection every day.

I am thankful for all I am and all I have. I am at peace.

I am thankful to God and the Angels for their help, protection, and guidance.

I listen to my inner guidance and I act based upon my intuition.

I listen to subtle messages that the universe is sending me so that I can find the right therapy for my case.

I ask Archangel Michael to guide and protect me at all times.

It is a good idea to practice positive affirmations while you meditate. relaxation breathing is a great technique to use while relaxing in meditation.

You can also say your affirmations out loud by looking in the mirror or you can write them down in your journal. It will be effective if you can send yourself an e-mail containing affirmations you will need to read at a later time. Feel free to creative! Use positive affirmations as part of your daily life.

Reiki and Positive Affirmations
Reiki energy healing is a form of hands healing techniques developed in Japan by Dr. Mikao Usui.
Reiki hand positions are applied in certain areas of the body and promote healing and deep state of relaxation.

I would recommend treating yourself to a Reiki session every now and then to help your body clear out negative energy from your energy field. You can also have Reiki by professional and then do it to yourself while mentally saying positive affirmations to support your fertility and your well-being. Reiki is based on the chakra energy system the surrounds your body and organs created by the main seventh Chakra centers located in the proximity of the seven endocrine glands.

The Reiki energy balances and purifies these seven energy centers to eliminate stagnant and negative energy left behind by your fearful thoughts and negative feeling like anger, apathy, self-pity, self-reproach, sadness, irritability, etc. Once your energy system is renewed your physical system and endocrine system will also benefit a great deal.

Need professional help with your infertility and natural childbirth? Feel free to contact us.

  • Contact Us Today! Contact Dr. of Metaphysics Doreen Cohanim C.Ht
    Today 818-521-1547
  • To Learn How To Enter Your Mind and Start Living Positively!
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  • Parenting ClassesClasses now forming these classes are for infants aged 4 months to a year or up to walking time.

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